Diet Chart For Kidney Patients PDF Free Download

If you are looking for a Diet chart for kidney patients pdf free download then you are at the right place. Here you will learn about your kidney’s functions, what happens when your kidney is affected by disease, and how you help yourself to feel better along with downloading the diet chart for kidney patients for free. If anyone suffers from these diseases there are financial losses with no limit, In India, there is average monthly expense for kidney patients is approximately Rs. 24,000- Rs. 48,000. This is too much for a middle-class family. If you want other PDFs like this you can visit here.

Diet chart for kidney patients pdf
kidney patient’s diet


Diet Chart For Kidney Patients PDF Free Download

Here there are some facts you should know about your kidneys.

About our Kidneys

Our kidneys are shaped like kidney beans. Each one is the size of our fist. A Kidney has about 1 million tiny filters inside.

what do kidneys do?

kidneys have three main jobs…

  1. They filter and remove waste from the blood and make urine.
  2. They control the salt and water balance in our bodies.
  3. They produce hormones that help make red blood cells and keep our bones healthy.

What happens when kidneys have a disease?

kidney disease affects all the jobs that healthy kidneys do.

kidneys with a disease do not remove waste from our body very well. wastes start to build up in our bodies.

Where does the waste come from?

Wastes come from the food we eat. Our food is made up of proteins, fats and starches.When we eat food body digests it. The blood absorbs the digested food and takes all to the cells to be used.

After each cell uses the food it needs, it puts the waste back in the blood. The blood then takes it to the kidneys. The kidneys filter the waste into the urine.

When we have kidney disease, the waste is not filtered and builds up I our body instead.

How does the build-up of waste affect us?

With waste build-up:

  1. may not feel like eating.
  2. may lose weight.
  3. may have less energy or get tired easily.
  4. may hold extra salt and water in our body causing swelling.

How can I help myself feel better? Diet chart for kidney patients pdf free download

we will need to look at our eating habits closely. We may have to reduce the amount of some foods in our diet. we may need to give up certain foods. The change we make will depend on our eating habits.

What will I need to know about my diet as on the diet chart for kidney patients pdf?

We will learn about the 3 points:

  1. Protein
  2. potassium
  3. Phosphorous

we will also learn about salt, water and calories. we will learn what these do in our body, what foods we are in and what changes we need to make.

There is a lot to learn about kidney disease and diet. Begin with the basics and add more information as time goes on. Your dietitian will help you and your family learn about your diet and how to make changes. you will be able to ask questions and learn how to stay healthy..

You should feel free to contact your dietitian when you need help or
support with your diet.

Diet chart for kidney patients pdf free download

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Diet chart for kidney patients pdf

What are proteins?

Proteins are used by the body for growth and to build and repair muscles and other tissues.

What food has protein?

The amount of protein in food varies.

Good quality protein is in:

meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese and milk

Smaller amounts of lower quality protein are in:

bread, cereal, pasta, rice and vegetables

Your body needs both kinds of protein food at the same time to
work well.

What does my body do with protein?

The blood brings the protein to build and repair your muscles. A waste product called urea is formed after your body uses the protein. Since urea cannot be filtered by your kidneys very well, it builds up in your body.

Urea can make you feel unwell. You may not feel like eating or you may vomit. Urea also causes itchy skin.

How much protein does my body need?

The amount of protein you need depends on your height and weight. A large person needs more protein than a small person.

Is too much protein bad?
The kidney is the only organ in the body that removes urea. When you have kidney disease, you need to try and protect the working filters. For example, if your kidneys are working at 20%, this means only 20% of the filters are filtering urea.

By eating too much protein, you make these filters work even harder. Overwork will damage the good filters very fast.

Can I stay off dialysis treatments by following my diet?

Following your diet can help you stay off dialysis for as long as possible. Diet chart for kidney patients pdf free download.

Avoid extra protein to take the pressure off the good filters.

You need to eat the right amount of good quality protein to help your body build muscles and do the repair work needed.

Will I always have to eat less protein to protect my kidneys?

You will have to limit protein foods to prolong the life of your kidneys. This will help you keep off dialysis treatment.

Since dialysis increases protein loss, people having dialysis treatment need more protein. They need to follow their dialysis diet that contains extra protein to stay healthy and prevent muscle wasting.

What are some examples of protein choices?

your dietitian will help you with the number of protein choices you can have each day. Here is the diet chart for kidney patients pdf.

FoodAmount= 1 choice
beef, pork,veal, chicken, turkey, fish, shrimp,30 grams or 1 ounce
hard cheese, colby, swiss, cheddar,mozzarella,or gouda30 grams or 1 ounce
cottage cheese60ml or 1/4 cup
canned tuna or salmon60ml or 1/4 cup
peanut butter15 ml or 1 tablespoon
Avoid these protein choices that are high in salt. The ones marked by (p) are also high in phosphorous:
  1. ham, bacon
  2. bologna, salami, sausages, wieners, or hot dogs
  3. liver, heart, kidney(p)
  4. blue cheese, feta cheese, processed cheese slices or spreads(p)
  5. sardines, Oysters(p)
  6. anchovies


What is potassium?

Potassium is a mineral found in food. Your muscles and nerves need potassium to work well. Your heart muscle needs potassium for a strong beat.
Your kidneys filter extra potassium into your urine. When you have kidney disease, the filters do not work well and potassium builds up in your body.
A high amount of potassium can make your heart beat irregularly. Too much
Potassium can cause your heart to stop beating.

What is the safe amount of potassium in my blood?

A safe or normal level is 3.5 to 5.0 mmol.

How can I keep my potassium level from getting too high?

You need to limit foods that are high in potassium.

What foods are high in potassium?

All fruit, vegetables, and their juices contain potassium. Some have more potassium than others. Milk and milk products such as yogurt, pudding, ice cream and buttermilk are also high in potassium.

Diet chart for kidney patients pdf

What should I know when making choices?

The amount or portion of the food you eat is important. A low potassium food can become a high potassium food if you eat a large amount. For example, strawberries are a lower potassium choice (1/2 cup or 125 ml).
However, if you eat a larger amount they become a high-potassium choice.

Will I be able to eat potatoes?

Potatoes are very high in potassium. Peeling, cutting and soaking potatoes in water overnight leaches out some of the potassium. Boil the potatoes in fresh water the next day.
You can double-boil the potatoes to lower potassium. First peel and cut the potatoes in small pieces. Boil them in water until half cooked. Change the water, boil until cooked and throw the water out.
Less often choose baked potatoes, french fries and potatoes cooked in a
microwave because all of the potassium stays inside the potatoes.

What should I know when making choices?

The amount or portion of the food you eat is important. A low potassium food can become a high-potassium food if you eat a large amount. The number of choices is important too. You get more potassium if you increase the number of choices you eat.

Other than potatoes, what else can I eat?

You can eat white rice and white pasta since they have very little potassium.

Can I have salt substitutes?

No. Salt substitutes such as No Salt™ are made with potassium.

What if I cannot lower potassium through diet alone?

Your healthcare provider may prescribe a medication called Kayexalate. This medication helps remove potassium. It binds to potassium in your stomach and excretes it in your bowel movements.

How do I know how much potassium I should eat?

The amount of potassium you need depends on:

  1. How much potassium you eat now.
  2. The amount of potassium in your blood as measured by blood tests.
  3. If you are taking medication that affects potassium such as water pills(diuretics) and some blood pressure medication
  4. How well your kidneys work.
  5. If you make some urine or not
  6. if you are on dialysis treatment.

Here is the diet chart for kidney patients pdf.

High Potassium Foods

Fruits and JuicesVegetables
bananabeet greens
cantaloupebrussel sprouts
dates-3bok choy
grapefruit juicebeans dried
guavacarrot juice
mangodandelion greens
melon- honeydewlentils, legumes
orangelima beans
orange juicemushroom- canned, cooked
passion fruit juicepeas- dried
pomegranatepotato- baked, instant, fries, scalloped
 spinach, cooked
 squash(winter)- acorn, butternut, hubbard
 sweet potato
 swiss chard
 tomato juice, vegetable juice, yam


What is phosphorus?

Phosphorus is a mineral found in many foods. Phosphorus helps keep your bones strong and healthy. As your kidney function declines, your blood phosphate level may rise, causing itchy skin, a loss of calcium from your bones, and painful bony deposits in your heart, skin, joints and blood vessels.

What is the recommended amount of phosphorus in blood?

This depends of how much of your kidneys are working:
 1. If you have lower kidney function and you are not having dialysis
treatments, the range is 0.87 to 1.49 mmol/L.
 2. If you are having dialysis treatments, the range is 1.13 to 1.78 mmol/L.

How do I keep my phosphorus levels normal?

  1. You may need to limit the amount of phosphorus you eat
  2. you may be prescribed a phosphorous binder medication
  3. if you are on dialysis, making sure you get regular dialysis treatments as prescribed by your doctor.

If you want full details and table that contains high phosphorous levels then download the below PDF

Diet Chat for kidney patients PDF along with relative questions answers

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